Our Data Indigenous Privacy Policy

Developer: Craig Dietrich craigdietrich.com


We are seeking your consent to use this App. Completing a survey on the App indicates that you have understood that you are voluntarily participating in this work. Thank you for taking time to consider your involvement as a participant.


This App was created as part of a project called Kitatipithitamak Mithwayawin, which is Cree for community control or self-determination over health. It is led by researchers from the University of Manitoba and University College of the North. And it is shaped by 11 First Nations partner organizations in Manitoba and Ontario. You can find out more about this initiative and our other activities on our project website at ourdataindigenous.ca and on our Facebook site at facebook.com/covid19indigenous.

Project Goals

The overall goal of the App is to support communities to collect data on topics that are important to them. The leadership in each community or organization will decide the focus of the data collection so that it best addresses local needs and priorities. The data that are generated through the App will be under the control of the leadership of that particular community or organization. To be clear, the university researchers behind this App are not interested in the data and will only have access to the data if our help is requested by each community or organization. Our own research interest focuses on evaluating the success and limitations of the App in supporting communities and in achieving data sovereignty. This would be achieved by follow-up interviews that are separate from the App itself.

Possible Risks

Very few if any risks are involved in participating. This initiative that created the App has been approved by our Indigenous Advisory Board and by the University of Manitoba Ethics Board. It is up to the communities that administer each individual survey to what extent data will be shared amongst or outside of a community; refer to the informed consent inside of the survey itself, if one exists, for more information about sharing protocols..Some surveys might include sensitive or triggering information, questions, or possible answers.

The App is not intended for use by individuals under the age of 18.

Possible Benefits

Many benefits will arise from this project. Most communities and organizations are struggling to access data. When any information is made available by the government, it is usually delayed and incomplete. The information collected here will help address these barriers. You can use this App to share your concerns and hopes to your leadership directly in your own words. The data generated through this App are culturally appropriate and speak to your needs and the needs of your community and/or organization as a whole. Communities will collect information on topics that they see as important. The questionnaires can be modified by community leaders, researchers and/or Health Directors to reflect local needs and priorities. This will help ensure that the information that is collected is relevant.

Indigenous communities across Canada and indeed from anywhere in the world are welcome to participate in this project. This will be the first time anywhere in the world that mobile apps have been used to assess local priorities by Indigenous communities in ways that they control from beginning to end. There is growing interest in the use of this App across the country and by April of 2023 the App was being adopted by over 15 communities.

Possible concerns and withdrawal from project

If you do not want to proceed, please refrain from filling out the survey. In the event that you have completed the survey and it hasn't yet been uploaded to the server, you can delete all App data using the button at the bottom of the About Survey page.

If you have any questions about this digital project please contact us at ourdataindigenous@gmail.com.

As indicated above, the Joint-Faculty Research Ethics Board at the University of Manitoba has approved this project. If you have any concerns or complaints about what we are doing, please contact ourdataindigenous@gmail.com or the Human Ethics Coordinator by phone (204.474.7122) or by email at humanethics@umanitoba.ca.

Thank you for reading through this information. We look forward to working with you and learning from you into the future.