Colour with Kahkakiw

We’ve developed a number printable colouring pages which can be downloaded directly from this webpage or mailed to you.

Be sure to share your finished colouring creations with us by tagging us on Facebook @covid19indigenous or Twitter @COVIDIndigenous

Kahkakiw is looking forward to seeing everyones colouring pages! Be sure to email them or any questions you might have for Kahkakiw to 

To have copies of the colouring pages mailed to you or your community, email

To download the pages, click on the page to see them enlarged in a new window




Additional Colouring and Activity Pages

The Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami facebook page offers several challenges and colouring pages that are cross-culturally specific, including paper doll cutouts with clothes and other activities:

Christie Belcourt’s facebook page:

Jamey Penney-Ritter who owns Bemused Design & Photography has wonderful traditional dancers colouring pages

Kelsey Borgford compiled 20+ Indigenous Artists colouring pages with appropriate recognition to the artists work

Michelle Stoney is a Gitxsan Artist that has offered her prints to be downloaded and coloured

Native Northwest has some beautiful and cool colouring pages – a must to see

The Native Women’s Association of Canada and Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre  both shared Nasugraq Rainey Hopson’s post of wonderful colouring pages

Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre out of Winnipeg has several activity ideas to engage in through colouring pages, scavenger hunts, crafts, making your own time capsule, etc

Youth Mental Health Canada offers many activity ideas that help to relieve boredom, anxiety, stress both for children and parents during this time